Happy Birthday this past weekend to both… our friend April took some pictures and some video of the fun.
Carson and the kids getting their groove on…
Then there’s:
Jacob Dancing
Jacob Twirling
And the pictures:
Happy Birthday this past weekend to both… our friend April took some pictures and some video of the fun.
Carson and the kids getting their groove on…
Then there’s:
Jacob Dancing
Jacob Twirling
And the pictures:
We always watch morning news while getting ready for work; the other morning we noticed a commercial for Jenni’s work. It had a bunch of photos from the renaming ceremony that Carson was at… that’s when we saw the pictures of Carson. He’s in the commercial three times (twice facing the camera, once is the back of his head)… I emailed the nice people at St. Vincent’s and they sent me the commercial so I could share it with family and friends that don’t get the local commercials.
LOL.. I’ve been doing so much catching with photos, I thought it would be a nice diversion to catch up on the 5 billion links I’ve collected over the past three weeks.
Let’s start off with some funny pictures that other people have taken:
How about some news of the cool/weird:
How about some cool/fun flash goodies?
Tech News tidbits:
Let’s wrap it all up with a creepy/funny video:
Here’s a tidbit for now… the pics are still uploading so I’ll have a post tomorrow with a link to the album. Here’s a video to chew on for now.
Hello good people… I’ve got some links and things to share today and of course the Wednesday feature:
How to Sleep Better, some really great tips and information about getting better quality sleep. Also, they changed around the How-To site I’ve been using it looks a lot nicer now.
Bargain Alert!! Here is a great deal on some Lego Sets.
Remember that fun with electricity link up there?? Well, here is some more fun
I watched Hot Fuzz the other day, so I’m going to try and write up a good review of it before the end of the week. Be safe and see you tomorrow.
This day in history
In the United States, Flag Day (more formally, National Flag Day) is celebrated on June 14. It commemorates the adoption of the flag of the United States, which happened that day by resolution of the Second Continental Congress in 1777.
In 1916, President Woodrow Wilson issued a proclamation that officially established June 14 as Flag Day; in August 1949, National Flag Day was established by an Act of Congress.
Flag Day is not an official federal holiday, though on June 14, 1937 Pennsylvania became the first (and only) U.S. state to celebrate Flag Day as a state holiday.
Funny and Scary:
Haffey came up big this past week with an OUTSTANDING link to a couple very useful sites:
I have some friends that are really into Guitar Hero, so the next two links are all about them. If you are into GH, you are welcome to enjoy them as well.
Apple iPhone… June 29th… 6pm… local time.
The Colts received their SuperBowl Champion rings last night.
Blast from the past:
I really wanna go see if there are some episodes of this I can get, I used to watch it all the time. heh
Out with May in with June… temperatures bordering on 90 degrees has been sign enough to me that summer was here. Now with Memorial Day over swimming pools everywhere swing open their security gates. We took a dip in our neighborhood pool last night, the water is still a bit chilly for me.
Summer brings us a whole new batch of movies (and the promise of some more to follow in the fall/winter). Here’s a quick list of trailers for the ones I’ll be looking to go see:
Thursday feature time,
This day in history
1911: RMS Titanic launchedRMS Titanic was an Olympic class passenger liner that became infamous for her collision with an iceberg on 14 April 1912 and dramatic sinking on 15 April 1912. Construction of the Titanic, funded by the American J.P. Morgan and his International Mercantile Marine Co., began on 31 March 1909. Titanic No. 401 was launched two years and two months later on 31 May 1911.
The Woot-Off is still cranking folks.
I like when Wednesdays feel like Tuesdays.. that means that on “Friday” I won’t have to come into work.
Couple neato tech things:
Alright, on to our Wednesday feature..
Hot on the heels of the May 9 update on how to sleep on a hot night, How to stop brain freeze! It is the season for cold treats, so take the time to read this over and avoid the dreaded BRAIN FREEZE!
I have been using Geni.com for sometime to record my family tree.. it’s a great site with a ton of really nice tools/features.
Here is there latest feature add-ons:
If you are into genealogy and might be thinking about putting your info into a system to help organize it.. I encourage you to try out Geni.com and let me know so we can be family friends. Oh, one last note from the genealogy end… someone that posts at the Geni.com site wrote a good guide on how to use social networking sites to find relatives.
How about a quick movie review? Alright, we took Carson to go see Shrek the Third. It was really good, the whole family enjoyed it. They did very well at moving the story along from the first two movies using enough of the old schtick and characters from the previous flicks, while introducing a good amount of new material too keep it fresh. I often see movies in the theater and think that I would’ve been better off waiting to rent it for home viewing. Shrek the Third did not fall into that category. I will also be buying a copy to watch a few more times at home.
Finally a couple of vids:
John Stewart exposes the “Under Investigation” saying.
And PTI on ESPN features internet-style video clips… lol
It’s May already… I’m severely behind on photos, so I vow to take some this weekend as we have some photo worthy things in hand as well as a wedding to attend this weekend. Long time family friend, Martin, will be tying the knot with his lovely bride-to-be, Karyn… more on this story as it develops. 😉
Make haste to the funneh…
Microsoft counters Apple’s iPhone with… the oPhone. Watch the video, it’s worth it.
Who’s the best shipper? DHL wins the package race.
Thieves beware! Do not steal from Wal-mart in Attala, Alabama… or a judge will make you look like the idiot you are.
Johnny Five is still alive… in legos.
Do not fly with these people.
Coolest monitor configs I’ve seen… the one guy takes his flight sims a little too serious. ha
Various pictures of beautiful and/or interesting churches… make sure to read the comments there are few bonus links in there.
This week’s tip is one you’ll want to bookmark.. How to sleep comfortably on a hot night.
Conan O’Brien visits LucasFilms and ILM studios… Great Videos, a must watch.
This video is for anyone with more money than space to add-on to their garage…
If you get one, invite me over so I can watch it work in person… because it looks cool as heck just on video.
It’s been awhile since I’ve had a real blog post… so you’ll have to excuse the following flood of links I’ve been collecting (and receiving from Mr. Haffey).
We’ll start off with the news of the cool:
I was never into model cars much, but this one is REALLY cool.
Have you seen this picture of an iPod that saved a soldiers life? Technology is your friend people, EMBRACE IT (and make a nice layer of things to stop bullets)
Rich guys get all the chicks, I have photographic proof.
Have a rampant Vampire problem where you live? Never fear, there is a solution.
Sony released a new series of displays that are ultra thin, way cool.
The Red Cross has been using a new mobile billboard in a few different places, the images are just breathtaking (scary and cool).
Remember what 5mb Hard Drives looked like in 1956? Me neither, now we both know… crazy.
Quick dip into the serious news, Chinese government restricts those under 18 to 3 hours of online gaming a day. It’ll be interesting to see what effect this will have and how they will enforce it.
Alright, back to the funneh.
WTF indeed. Funny and scary pics of things geeks do, right here.
Need a friend for you desk? Get a bike riding mouse.
Know an office worker that needs a special award for their special abilities? Here you go.
Your favorite “unfortunate” domain names… sometimes you have to read them twice to get the funneh.
Be careful when you buy things to make sure the price you thought you were paying is the price you actually pay, or this could happen. LOL
Top Firefox plugins… to have and NOT to have. A good read, although they do contradict themselves at times.
Leave it to those who over analyze to bring about the existence of this web page… poor Santa.
Ok, here are a few web games/quizs that I messed around with a bit this past week.
Are you smarter than a fifth grader? Not the TV show, it’s a quiz. I got a 75%.
Here’s a cool block building game, remember you have to think in 3d.
This link labels itself “The Top Five Most Addictive Games”.. so click here with care (and free time).
We’ll round out this massive post with two videos;
First, have you wanted to get into the newest season of The Sopranos but felt you’ve missed to much to really understand what’s happening? Well, your prayers have been answered because a seven minute refresher of everything so far is here. Adult situations, violence, and language await you on the other side of the link. If you can handle those, it is a good watch.
Lastly, Alanis Morissette recently did a parody of “My Humps” by Fergi (Black Eyed Peas).