It’s May already… I’m severely behind on photos, so I vow to take some this weekend as we have some photo worthy things in hand as well as a wedding to attend this weekend. Long time family friend, Martin, will be tying the knot with his lovely bride-to-be, Karyn… more on this story as it develops. 😉
It’s been awhile since I’ve had a real blog post… so you’ll have to excuse the following flood of links I’ve been collecting (and receiving from Mr. Haffey).
We’ll round out this massive post with two videos; First, have you wanted to get into the newest season of The Sopranos but felt you’ve missed to much to really understand what’s happening? Well, your prayers have been answered because a seven minute refresher of everything so far is here. Adult situations, violence, and language await you on the other side of the link. If you can handle those, it is a good watch.
Lastly, Alanis Morissette recently did a parody of “My Humps” by Fergi (Black Eyed Peas).
Howdy folks! It’s been a crazy week and we’re only halfway done. Started off in shorts and 78 degrees with sun to spare and today it’s cloudy, 31 degrees and it’s starting to snow a little. Ahh, global warming.
hehe.. cheesy title for tips -n- tricks day. This should be a very good entry though.
LIFE CHANGING TIPS AND TRICKS!!!! Have a password? Of course you do, who doesn’t these days. Here is an extremely important read for you, go ahead and click through to read the linked blog in the story too. Be safe with your information.
Vista is not doing to shabby. I’ve been using it on my main desktop at work since the enterprise edition launched and I have to say that I’ve been overall really pleased with it. This link is for Jenni, spiffy new medical tablet PC. If you work in health care, I’m sure you’d kill (figuratively) to get one of those. Do you fly often? Use text messaging on your mobile phone too? Here is some great info for you to help keep track of your flights, etc. Speaking of Google, there is an exciting rumor spinning about GDrive… JotSpot = new GDrive? I would love to have all my Google services wrapped in one beautiful little container so I’m extremely excited to see this kind of news, even if it is just a rumor.
The weekend was a blur, got a good amount of stuff done but it still seemed to go to quick. Did the quarter-round for the tile in the bathroom (will try to update a few pics this week in there), attached a steering wheel and telescope to Carson’s clubhouse, fixed a few of the gutter spouts, and took Carson to the neighborhood Easter egg hunt.
Haffey strikes again with his links! Photos of wrong place/wrong time situations, on the adult meter the worst is a far away shot of some dudes butt. Speaking of Haffey, check out his new bike… hot.
Here’s a funny link that Haffey sent me yesterday… funny stuff said in court. In honor of Haffey providing me so much material, I’ve added a new label “Haffey’s Links”… in time I hope to go back through what I’ve already posted and add the label when necessary. This way you can target just the posts with “Links provided by Haffey”(tm).
Peyton Manning celebrates his birthday as the host of SNL! I haven’t watched a live airing of SNL in ages, this one I will be watching. I watched the IU vs. Northwestern game the other day… that was more thrilling than it needed to be. It was cool to see Wilmont break the IU 3 point record in a game though.
Haffey sent me a nice link on how to optimize your computer, whether you are running Vista or XP. Check it out. Thanks Haffey.