Category Archives: Haffey’s Links

May day, Cinco de Mayo, etc

It’s May already… I’m severely behind on photos, so I vow to take some this weekend as we have some photo worthy things in hand as well as a wedding to attend this weekend. Long time family friend, Martin, will be tying the knot with his lovely bride-to-be, Karyn… more on this story as it develops. 😉

Make haste to the funneh…
Microsoft counters Apple’s iPhone with… the oPhone. Watch the video, it’s worth it.
Who’s the best shipper? DHL wins the package race.
Thieves beware! Do not steal from Wal-mart in Attala, Alabama… or a judge will make you look like the idiot you are.
Johnny Five is still alive… in legos.
Do not fly with these people.
Coolest monitor configs I’ve seen… the one guy takes his flight sims a little too serious. ha
Various pictures of beautiful and/or interesting churches… make sure to read the comments there are few bonus links in there.

This week’s tip is one you’ll want to bookmark.. How to sleep comfortably on a hot night.

Conan O’Brien visits LucasFilms and ILM studios… Great Videos, a must watch.

This video is for anyone with more money than space to add-on to their garage…

If you get one, invite me over so I can watch it work in person… because it looks cool as heck just on video.

Superman, beware…

They have located some kryptonite… let’s hope it doesn’t fall into the hands of evil.
American Idol update from last week, Sanjaya is finally gone. Finally. A local radio station did a parody song honoring the performer; the song is titled “American Idol’s Sanjaya!”
Been running out of good cursing material lately? Well, Ship of Fools are here to help with some Biblical classics.
Here’s an excellent article called 10 Steps to Cell Phone Security… it cover a lot of very important ground that most people take for granted.
What an AWESOME find this site was, Matt Groening & Friends Appreciation Society. announced some new features today on their blog.. I’m especially excited about the printing feature. If you are into genealogy at all, this site is worth a look.

Lightsaber for $33 in 33 minutes
, I’m sooo making one.

Couple funny pics,
Say what?
Drinking and galloping?
Someone at Disney I hope got in trouble.
Awesome T-Shirt
Something tells me this car took a wrong turn


We’ll close it up with the Thursday normal,

This day in history

New Coke was introduced on April 23, 1985. Production of the original formulation ended that same week.
New Coke was the unofficial name of the sweeter drink introduced in 1985 by The Coca-Cola Company to replace its flagship soda, Coca-Cola or Coke. Properly speaking, it had no separate name of its own, but was simply the new version of Coke, until 1992 when it was renamed Coca-Cola II.

Miss me?

It’s been awhile since I’ve had a real blog post… so you’ll have to excuse the following flood of links I’ve been collecting (and receiving from Mr. Haffey).

We’ll start off with the news of the cool:
I was never into model cars much, but this one is REALLY cool.
Have you seen this picture of an iPod that saved a soldiers life? Technology is your friend people, EMBRACE IT (and make a nice layer of things to stop bullets)
Rich guys get all the chicks, I have photographic proof.
Have a rampant Vampire problem where you live? Never fear, there is a solution.
Sony released a new series of displays that are ultra thin, way cool.
The Red Cross has been using a new mobile billboard in a few different places, the images are just breathtaking (scary and cool).
Remember what 5mb Hard Drives looked like in 1956? Me neither, now we both know… crazy.

Quick dip into the serious news, Chinese government restricts those under 18 to 3 hours of online gaming a day. It’ll be interesting to see what effect this will have and how they will enforce it.

Alright, back to the funneh.
WTF indeed. Funny and scary pics of things geeks do, right here.
Need a friend for you desk? Get a bike riding mouse.
Know an office worker that needs a special award for their special abilities? Here you go.
Your favorite “unfortunate” domain names… sometimes you have to read them twice to get the funneh.
Be careful when you buy things to make sure the price you thought you were paying is the price you actually pay, or this could happen. LOL
Top Firefox plugins… to have and NOT to have. A good read, although they do contradict themselves at times.
Leave it to those who over analyze to bring about the existence of this web page… poor Santa.

Ok, here are a few web games/quizs that I messed around with a bit this past week.
Are you smarter than a fifth grader? Not the TV show, it’s a quiz. I got a 75%.
Here’s a cool block building game, remember you have to think in 3d.
This link labels itself “The Top Five Most Addictive Games”.. so click here with care (and free time).

We’ll round out this massive post with two videos;
First, have you wanted to get into the newest season of The Sopranos but felt you’ve missed to much to really understand what’s happening? Well, your prayers have been answered because a seven minute refresher of everything so far is here. Adult situations, violence, and language await you on the other side of the link. If you can handle those, it is a good watch.

Lastly, Alanis Morissette recently did a parody of “My Humps” by Fergi (Black Eyed Peas).

“I get to go to lots of overseas places, like Canada.” —Britney Spears

Howdy folks! It’s been a crazy week and we’re only halfway done. Started off in shorts and 78 degrees with sun to spare and today it’s cloudy, 31 degrees and it’s starting to snow a little. Ahh, global warming.

Need a new pickup line? Want to entertain at your kids’ next birthday party? This week learn how rip a phone book in half.

RIAA Lawsuit Decision making process chart!
Seagate, fighting terrorism one hard drive at a time.
VGA and DVI are dead, long live DisplayPort 1.1
To everyone that argued with me about the DST change being a scam.. I just have one thing to say to you; HAHAHAHAHA… I WAS RIGHT!
Haffey sends funny stuff all the time, but this one was so good that one of the quotes made my title today. Celebrity Quotes
Oh my… Top 10 beer myths, grab a frosty mug and learn something about brews.

The 80s called… they want to know why their commercials were WAY better than todays. Also play some retro Nintendo games online.

Bargain alert: Dell Laptop on the cheap

April Fools day updates: Some jokes I saw that were pretty funny.
Woot BOC for One Meeeeelion dollars
Google announces the TiSP (Toilet Internet Service)
Dilbert Blog asks people to post about their favorite April Fools Pranks

Another Die Hard movie? Yea, I was thinking the same thing until I watched the trailer:

The more you know…

hehe.. cheesy title for tips -n- tricks day.
This should be a very good entry though.

Have a password? Of course you do, who doesn’t these days. Here is an extremely important read for you, go ahead and click through to read the linked blog in the story too. Be safe with your information.

Vista is not doing to shabby. I’ve been using it on my main desktop at work since the enterprise edition launched and I have to say that I’ve been overall really pleased with it.
This link is for Jenni, spiffy new medical tablet PC. If you work in health care, I’m sure you’d kill (figuratively) to get one of those.
Do you fly often? Use text messaging on your mobile phone too? Here is some great info for you to help keep track of your flights, etc.
Speaking of Google, there is an exciting rumor spinning about GDrive… JotSpot = new GDrive? I would love to have all my Google services wrapped in one beautiful little container so I’m extremely excited to see this kind of news, even if it is just a rumor.

Bargain alert: toy clearance sale!

Oops, almost forgot an additional Haffey Link… Who loves the Kwik-E Mart? News of the weird kind, indeed.

I hope to have some big news tomorrow and some photos to boot.

A Lego couch? NO WAY!

If I was still single I would definitely have one of these bad mammajammas. I mean come on, that is too cool.

UPS has read my mind. Their newest feature of their service is the smartest thing they could’ve done. Read all about it.

Haffey time; Sick of meetings, coworkers, office politics? Do yourself in, hurry though you only have 5 minutes. Animated violence and bloodshed, as well as inane office environment which is torture by itself.
He also sent this link, about people who have been banned from being on SNL. It was very interesting to read.

Speaking of SNL… did you see Peyton Manning’s United Way fake commercial? Hilarious, have a look.

Well, that was quick…

The weekend was a blur, got a good amount of stuff done but it still seemed to go to quick. Did the quarter-round for the tile in the bathroom (will try to update a few pics this week in there), attached a steering wheel and telescope to Carson’s clubhouse, fixed a few of the gutter spouts, and took Carson to the neighborhood Easter egg hunt.

Story update: On the RIAA vs UNL story.

Haffey strikes again with his links! Photos of wrong place/wrong time situations, on the adult meter the worst is a far away shot of some dudes butt. Speaking of Haffey, check out his new bike… hot.

I got 4242 meters on the Monkey Kick Off! Woot!!!

The weekend is upon us

Bargain Alert: 320gb Hard drive for $80ish .. not too shabby.

Microsoft griefs Sony? Hilarious!

The woot-off is still cranking! Get it while it’s HOT!

Do you work with code? Here’s a really neat little tool.
Also, on the string of cool things from/for Google stuff… GMail loader! Import old “pre-gmail” mail into your GMail account.

Friday Funnies
Dilbert is a riot today, so go check it out.

Have a good weekend!! I’ve got a few things to keep me busy around the house and if we get some time we might go see the TMNT movie!

This just in…

I’m back at work…

This day in history
The first working laser patented this day in 1960. Sometime later, Dr. Evil uses this invention in his evil plot.

My old employer tells the RIAA to pay them for wasting the University’s time… HA HA HA. Go UNL!!

Here’s a funny link that Haffey sent me yesterday… funny stuff said in court. In honor of Haffey providing me so much material, I’ve added a new label “Haffey’s Links”… in time I hope to go back through what I’ve already posted and add the label when necessary. This way you can target just the posts with “Links provided by Haffey”(tm).


What a laugh on this one!

Fridays are my favorites

I mean, besides the weekend days of course. I think I’ve probably post that before, but it’s worth mentioning a second time (or third, etc).

Let’s get this Friday started..
Friday Funnies
I enjoy the quirkiness of Non Sequitur… and yesterday’s comic was hilarious.

Bargain Alerts:

Peyton Manning celebrates his birthday as the host of SNL!
I haven’t watched a live airing of SNL in ages, this one I will be watching.
I watched the IU vs. Northwestern game the other day… that was more thrilling than it needed to be. It was cool to see Wilmont break the IU 3 point record in a game though.

Haffey sent me a nice link on how to optimize your computer, whether you are running Vista or XP. Check it out. Thanks Haffey.